Monday, November 3, 2008


Today I had to be up very early to get Seth to his CT scan in a city about 45 minutes to an hour away. I do not wake up well. I hate driving in traffic. I was really nervous about Seth having to fast and be sedated.

So taking all that into consideration, you will see that we must have been covered in prayer today when you see how the day went:

6:30: Get up, get dressed, stress about whether to change Seth's diaper and clothes or just put him in his carseat and try to keep him asleep so he won't realize how hungry he is.

6:45: Miraculously transfer baby from bassinet to carseat without waking him.

7:30: We're at the hospital. Pull into wrong parking garage, get lectured by attendant. I stress about whether there is time to find another garage.

7:32: At the end of the lecture, Mr. Nice Attendant Man pauses and...prints me out a ticker anyway! He says to remember the lecture for next time. Whee! I park.

7:45: I make it to registration. The lady is giving out an unfriendly vibe...I am worried.  Baby is awake...uh-oh.

7:50: Pre-registering worked! I am in and out of registration and on my way to Radiology! Baby is smiling at everyone who looks at him. Has he forgotten about eating?

8:00: I am in radiology all signed in and waiting for my radiologist person to arrive. I use Seth's labwork script as a bookmark in Twilight. Things are calm enough to read! Amazing.

8:10: The tech arrives and calls us out. I am nervous about the sedation, and he offers to give the CT scan a shot unsedated first. I agree, but secretly wonder if it's worth it...a hungry baby will not hold still, right?

8:15: There are many velcro tabs to fasten and buckles to buckle to turn Seth into what appears to be a tiny, cuddly bullet in the larger barrel of the CT machine thingy.

8:20: Seth is locked and loaded.

8:30: We are done! No sedation! I do feel a little funny about the fact that he had to kind of hang upside down for a few minutes, though.

8:40: I finally make it to the cafeteria after 3 wrong turns and survive many cafeteria ladies shrieking in Seth's face in my quest to get a fruit and yogurt parfait. I do not tell them he can't hear. They are having too much fun. I manage to sit down, get Seth latched on for his first feeding of the day, and take a bite.

8:41: I realize my book is upstairs in an unidentified radiology room. If I don't find it, I will have to go get a new lab script, and he needs this test done today. I sigh, apologize to Seth, and bring him upstairs.

8:45: I run into the tech! He has my book! The script is still in it!

9:00: We are in the lab. Wait time is unknown.

9:05: They call Seth's name! The guy gets the vein on the fist shot! Seth smiles at him, and does not cry! I am over excited!

9:23: We are on our way home!

So, to recap...we weren't late, we didn't get lost, Seth didn't have to be sedated, and they got his blood drawn, with no trauma to him, in one try! I was NOT expecting it to go so easily.

God is so, so good...thanks for the prayers! We just need a few more...we are going on Thursday to meet with his ENT to talk about the results of his CT scan.


Mommy3 said...

I found your blog through MckMama's and have been silently lurking lately. :) I am glad that everything went well. And I think Seth is an amazing baby!

Hall Family in MD said...

Yay! Glad things went well today =)

Kameron said...

I came over for the Not Me!s and clicked on your blog header to see if you'd updated about the CT. I'm glad to hear things went so well. I will be praying about the results!!

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