Thursday, January 15, 2009

The hottest accessory of the season is finally here!

UPDATE: We are no longer fundraising for Seth. He received his implants in April of 2009. Thank you all for your donations and prayers!

You know you've seen them around and wished you could have them. They're very trendy, after all. But not everyone can pull this look off.

No, you're eyes are not deceiving you! It is the super special, limited edition Profoundly Seth wristband (or bracelet, we're not picky about labels).

They read "Let Him Hear!" (An excerpt from Matthew 11:15) on one side and have the website address on the other. They're a teal/medium blue/aqua-ey color that's pretty cool!

Our model would like us to state for the record that these bracelets are not for human consumption. They don't really taste that great. I mean, look at him. He obviously wishes he'd stopped after eating the third or fourth bracelet. Serious indigestion.

In all seriousness, most of you know why we've decided to offer these bracelets. (If you don't, please check out the "Why I'm writing" links on the left). Seth was diagnosed with a profound hearing loss shortly after birth, and has recently been diagnosed with Auditory Neuropathy. The only way for him to learn to listen and speak is with something called a cochlear implant, which will bypass the bad signal his brain is currently giving him and give him a clear signal so that he can learn to listen and speak.

Having neuropathy means that two implants (one in each ear) are very important for him to hear well, and our insurance only covers a portion of the surgery, and we have an insanely high deductible. Getting implants by (but optimally before) one year of age means that he has a very good chance of being "caught up" to his hearing peers by kindergarten and will be able to attend a mainstream school with few, if any, accomodations for his hearing loss. It will give him the chance to be independent and will open a lot of doors for him.

We don't have the luxury of waiting to give him this surgery, as it does not generally have as successful an outcome with older children.

After praying a lot about what we would do in order to get Seth this surgery, an awesome door opened for us in that one of the companies John works with donated us all of these bracelets, so that we could do a fundraiser for Seth. We wanted to do something where a lot of people could give a little to Seth, without making it a hardship for anyone.

We have had an amazing number of people want to help Seth get his chance to hear, so this seemed like a perfect solution for everyone! You get bracelets that can be conversation starters to spread the word about Seth, his story, and MUCH more importantly, how God has worked in our lives! Seth gets a fundraiser to get him headed toward surgery in May.


Anonymous said...

I must have the bracelet he was eating. I feel like it would be one of a kind in a sea of MILLIONS who will be sporting these bracelets soon!

I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Well, with such an amazing model as Seth, who could resist a bracelet? I would love to have two of them! One for me and one for Ron to wear to work so he can spread the word - so Seth can HEAR the word! XOXO
Lisa (lisbaer)

E @ Scottsville said...

What a total little sweetheart he is! I love the pic of him laying his sweet little head on the arm of the chair. You got some great ones!

Glad to hear the bands are in!

Anonymous said...

Can you please email me your paypal account? I'd like to make a donation!

audrey_cale @

Les said...

Did a little post about Seth :) So excited the bracelets are here!

Shanda said...

Yeah!! They are here!! I would love to begin with two...possibly more later on. I will be posting about it in a few minutes. Hopefully it will lead a few more people over here to hear your & Seth's story and pray for you all and contribute toward Seth's ability to hear!!


Laura Marchant said...

Those are the cutest pictures!

Christie said...

Wandered over from MckMama's, loved you NMM's and I want to help. I will put something on my blog about cute little Seth too, even though I don't get much traffic yet, every little bit helps right! I want the one with baby slobber on it though!! lol

Momma Bear said...

yes paypal account info please, maybe you already listed it...sorry if so.
I'd like to purchaes a few bracelets.

take care,

Susan said...

Just sent payment for 4 wristbands. So excited for you. Funny that so many are requesting one with Seth's baby drool on!! I love it. I am buying one for my sister and she also said she wanted "one with some spit on please"! (Really, any one is fine! I just think it's funny...)
Seth's button is on my blog and I'll be doing a post on him / his fundraiser soon! :)
fivemangoes (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I have been very moved by your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I was just wondering how much you are trying to raise in order for him to get the surgery and therapy.

Take care!

4 Lettre Words said...

It's the perfect accessory for spring! :o)

Semi-Organized Mom said...

I am getting a few for me and the kids and one for my mom. She lost her hearing at age 12 and was profoundly deaf for over 40 years. I am a CODA (both my parents were deaf) and am fluent in sign language. Nine years ago, sometime after my father's death, my mother decided she wanted to get a CI. She has an awesome story that I'm hoping she'll add to her new blog soon so others can read her inspiring adventure from deafness to hearing so well that I don't even have to sign anymore (even though I still do, that's a hard one to stop doing!!) and she is rarely off her cell phone. She's an amazing person and the CI has really given her a new life. I will keep Seth in my prayers. Ohh..I can't wait to hear about the day you have his CI turned on. I would love to see video of him so I can watch his little eyes get so big because he doesn't know what those brand new noises are!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Reely Jiggin is my daughter and even more amazing then myself...the mother of 5 children with 3 Irish dancing. Ahh how I love the Irish, especially my Irish Tenors who 10 years ago inspired me to get a CI so I could hear them sing and through their music taught me to hear again. Today I, who never heard my own children talk, love listening to my grandchildren's voices and they love Irish music too. A CI changed my life and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to Seth and his, and your, journey to a whole new world of hearing.

Melissa Lea said...

Here's hoping you get all the money you need for this sweet baby! May God truly bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

I have to have atleast two bracelets. God has given you such a sweet little person to take care of and I would love to be apart of the gift of sound, something that most of us take for granted. My two bracelets are in honor of my two children Codie(16) and Caitlyn (10) May God truely bless you and your family.

Lori Traxler (fort wayne, In)

JoEll said...

i would love one too I do not have pay pal though.

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Поэзия – это прекрасные слова, расположенные в самом идеальном порядке. Поэзия – как воздух, который мы не чувствуем, но им дышим, живем им, существуем благодаря ему… Этот портал
– окно в стихотворный мир молодой поэтессы, целью которой всегда было творчество, в частности поэзия.
Здесь расположены мои лучшие стихотворения, которые я творила на протяжении предыдущих лет и которыми я хочу поделиться с гостями своей поэтической странички в данный момент. Нынешний вечно куда-то спешащий и взбалмошный мир не оставляет нам ни одного мгновения лишнего времени, и мы постоянно забываем о душе, вспоминая все больше о ее бренной оболочке. А что является идеальной пищей для души? Ну, конечно же, поэзия. На этом сайте вы попадете в совершенный мир рифм и словесных хитросплетений, сможете снова почувствовать прекрасную музыку поэзии, затрагивающую самые тонкие струны человеческой души.
На моем сайте я собрала все свои сборники со стихами, написанными в разные периоды моей жизни. Вы можете не только прочитать их онлайн-версию, но и скачать совершенно бесплатно. Я буду рада помочь вам познать чарующий, прекрасный, увлекательный мир современной поэзии.

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Компания осуществляет деятельность в сфере услуг уже более десятка лет, осуществляя принципиально новый подход к решению такого важного вопроса, как организация отдыха. В компании работает команда профессионалов высокого уровня, имеющие огромный опыт в сфере туризма.
Основные принципы работы компании состоят в индивидуальном подходе, внимательном отношении к каждому клиенту, предлагая качественные услуги по наиболее доступным ценам. Во всех офисах общая база предложений, которая всегда обновляется, поэтому цены во всей сети одинаковые. Чтобы стать покупателем лучшего тура по наиболее невысокой цене, достаточно знать, где располагается ближайший офис
В концепцию развития магазина входит ограниченное число поставщиков туристических услуг, чтобы качество и класс обслуживания оставался неизменно на высоком уровне. Мир Скидок является профессиональной сетью турагентств, которые специализируется не лишь на одних «горящих» турах, путевках со скидками и бонусами на ближайшие выходные или праздничные дни, но также и на турах с ранним бронированием.
Число клиентов неумолимо увеличивается с каждым днем. В планах Мира скидок - активно развивать сеть по всей России, внедрять интересные проекты для наиболее комфортабельного времяпрепровождения клиентов.

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Устали от постоянного солнца, но при этом не хотите постоянно пребывать в комнате? Кроме того, согласитесь, совсем неудобно, если еще и пойдет дождь,
В наши дни очень большой любовью пользуются так называемые маркизы, которые сможете найти на нашем сайте ресурсе. Это качественные тенты, которые можно повесить на улице, а также их устанавливают для дач и загородных коттеджей, ведь их просто натягивать, пользоваться такими маркизами очень удобно. Такие небольшие тенты, характеристики которых вы сможете определять самостоятельно, сберегают не только от самих палящих жарких лучей, но и от их излучения, так что теперь на даче за столиком вам будет очень приятно, прохладно.
Есть только две проблемы, которые заставят его сложить обратно: либо очень сильный ветер, либо ливень.
На нашем ресурсе вы без труда сможете заказать нужный вам товар, стоит просто выбрать маркиз то, что вам подходит, исходя из различных габаритов. Естественно, свои вопросы вы сможете задавать и консультантам, которые обязательно помогут купить тот товар, который нужен. Основные плюсы таких товаров в том, что они легко трансформируются, транспортируются и непосредственно устанавливаются в любом нужном месте.

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