Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Eli

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy. We're getting ready to go out and see your name in the Book of Life right now. Ava is writing a song about her broken heart and how much she misses you. We all miss you, more than I could ever explain. Love you more than more.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Eli!
{{{{Keeping your family in my prayers today}}}}

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Eli! You are such a beautiful boy!

Love, Josh, Sarah and Baby Sullivan

Sonya said...

Happy Birthday Eli!!!!

Katie said...

Happy birthday Eli! I am praying for you guys today.

LisaShaw said...

My heart is with you and your family as you celebrate the life that your precious son is STILL living with the LORD. May the peace and comfort of our Lord wrap around each of you as a warm shawl and strengthen your hearts until you see your precious son/brother again one day.

Emily said...

We are praying for you today. Happy Birthday sweet Eli.

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Happy Birthday Eli!!!!

Madison Sanders said...

Happy Birthday Eli!

P.S. That's my brother's name. :)

E @ Scottsville said...

Happy Birthday, Eli!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday in Heaven, Eli. I know you are celebrating with your Heavenly Father. For your family still here, I pray for pain to ease. It is okay to cry and to rejoice at the same time.

The Mom of two stillborn babies.

Mandy & Jeremy Hall said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Eli. You were one of the precious babies prayed for before our run today. Hope you continue to watch over your family.
Much love,
Jeremy, Mandy and ^i^ Connor

Amy B said...

Happy Birthday Eli. I am praying for your family today.

Mommy3 said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Little Boy! Thinking of all of you...

Kaylan said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Eli! What a wonderful gift, to know that you're celebrating with Our Heavenly Father and the angels in Heaven.

Praying for you all throughout this day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sweet Little Eli!
We are Praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today!

kay said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful boy!

Julie said...

Thinking of you. Hope your day is wonderful!

4 Lettre Words said...

Happy birthday, sweet Eli!! We are celebrating with you in Georgia.

You are so loved!

Melissa G said...

Wow, this picture just breaks my heart! He's so precious! Praying for you today!

Happy Birthday Eli!

Rose said...

Happy Birthday Eli!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Eli!

Grumpy Momma said...

Happy Birthday, sweet little and prayers to our family today!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Eli!!!!

Can I just tell you how blessed you are to have such an amazing mommy, daddy, and siblings?

You are one loved baby boy! I hope you know that you are showered with thousands of gifts of prayers, thoughts, and butterfly kisses.

Warm hugs and tons of love and prayers for you El and Family...

Celebrate his life! Celebrate your moments together! And Celebrate how much Eli and Seth have both changed lives like mine FOREVER.


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday, sweet baby. I know that you are resting comfortably in the arms of Jesus, waiting for the day you will be reunited with your family. I am praying for them, that they be wrapped in love and peace during this time.

Shannon Pankow

Laura said...

Happy Belated Birthday Eli! You are a sweet sweet precious boy! Stay close to your family and comfort them as they miss you so much!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Eli is beautiful! :)

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