Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Faces of Avelyn Monet

My beautiful firstborn and the one and only girl in our immediate family. Besides me, of course. I always thought I would only have girls, as there are very few boys in my extended family. But instead, I was blessed with just one beautiful, very dramatic, charming little girl.

A girl who just got out of bed and asked "Tomorrow, for lunch, can we have, like, Steak & Shake or something? Thanks."


Robin Bair said...

she's beautiful!

Analiza said...

She's beautiful. I'm so happy you were blessed with a girl! I'm jealous! I don't have a girl, so I'm literally surrounded by boys and one week out of the month, it is their inside joke to say, "Ooops, it's mommy's crazy insane week, stay out of her way." Really! That's what they say.

Anonymous said...

Ah the beauty of the drama in our little girls :) LOL! She is a beautiful little girl too!

Heather said...

So beautiful...

Smart girl...planning her meals a day in advance...I like to think about what I am going to eat in advance too :o)

LOL...Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I love her big brown eyes, she's a beauty just like her mom! :)

Madison Sanders said...

She's beautiful. She deserves her own post :)

Melani said...

I agree with all the comments, she is beautiful! She must look just like you!

Shanda said...

Such a beautiful name too! ;) Love the photos!

Julie said...

She is SO adorable!

M J said...

Better start polishing the baseball bat now to fend off the little admirers for this beautiful little lady! :)

E @ Scottsville said...

Don't tell her I said this, cuz we wouldn't want to give her a big head or anything ---


Anonymous said...

She is indeed gorgeous! Those eyes...I always wonder what is behind our children's eyes...all that stuff they never speak, but feel so deeply. Beautiful beautiful child!

Eve said...

Planning a menu a whole ahead! What a thinker!

christy rose said...


Jennifer W said...

Found you through a friend who reads you regularly but had no idea your daughter's name was Avelyn, which is MY daughter's name! Being such a rarity she just had to share your blog with me :) Your Avelyn is gorgeous! Adding you to my reader now, love your blog.

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