Monday, May 4, 2009

Activation Day!

As you can see, Seth was a happy camper as we headed into the audiologist's office for his activation. We started out with some housekeeping, going over the equipment, etc. He was a champ, just hanging out.

They ran some tests to make sure his auditory nerves were responding, kind of like an ABR (They were!). He thought that was swell.

Then it was time to turn on his ears. Lots of people had told us to expect Seth to cry or freak out. I have to say, I had the biggest feeling of peace today, and there's no way I could explain what happened as well as I can show you. In this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words. The next series of pictures are of Seth the first time I called his name.

Playing with the monkey as I call his name.

Wait a I hear something?

Yeah I do! It's my mom!

This hearing thing rocks!

It's with a full heart that I want to thank each and every person who prayed with us, donated to Seth, and walked with us in this journey. I can't even begin to tell you how blessed we are. Generally, it can take time for implanted kids to figure out that they're hearing, much less identify what they're hearing, but Seth was turning his head to sounds and has already started to babble again, this very afternoon! I can't even begin to tell you how blessed we feel. God has really been glorified through Seth's awesome journey, and seeing him laugh at his brother's voice today made everything that's ever happened worth it.

There were a lot of awesome moments today, but I think the video clip I'm including below sums it all up for me. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!

He who has ears, LET HIM HEAR! Matthew 11:15


Sheri F. said...

There should be a warning on this video!!! Warning: This video will cause you to cry tears of joy!!! Thank You Jesus!!!!

mindy said...

Oh I am crying too. Praise the Lord this is the best thing I have seen all day. Wow.

I am going to watch this ten more times before bed now.

Yay Seth!

bethany1699 said...

alright seth! God is awesome!

meganblaire said...

oh ellyn the tears they are a'flowin'!!


love you guys,


Mrs. Granberry said...

Oh my goodness!!! Tears running down my face. God is so good!!!

M J said...

SO amazing!!!!! Yep, I'm crying, too.

Debbie said...

That is too priceless...words do it no justice.

BTW, you look so young and Seth is more beautiful every time you post of picture of him.

Analiza said...


As a mother of a partially deaf child, I have to tell you how incredibly happy I am for your entirely family and most especially for you and Seth.

It reminded me of the day that Matthew got his BAHA and the elatement I felt. Such joy you must have felt and hopes and dreams that began at that very moment.

I'm sitting here, sharing this video with Matthew and Jerry (my hubbster) and we are all in tears of joy and amazement!!!!

Congratulations Seth!!! And may you find the wonder of every sound in your entire future!!!


Melissa said...

Wow! That is amazing to see! How incredible! What a blessing!

Melissa :)

Heather said...

Crying tears of happiness for you and your precious family! What a beautiful day for all of you!

Elyse said...

Crying tears of JOY for sweet Seth!

Melani said...

how wonderful! I am so incredibly happy for Seth! How awesome! Now you can say I love you to him and he will say it back, eventually!

awesome video! :)

Madison Sanders said...

WOO HOO! Those pictures are priceless, but the photo is even better!

God turns the bad things around for the good!

Rose said...

I have been waiting, waiting, waiting for this!

He who has ears, LET SETH HEAR!

Joy said...

ack, ack, ack!
My eyes are leaking!
What a wonderful, wonderful day!

christy rose said...

Oh MY This is absolutely wonderful!
I am so happy for all of you! God is so good!

Cathy said...

I waited all day for this! I'm crying, too! Congratulations, Seth! Hear it all, buddy. What a precious day for you all. God IS good all the time!

Anonymous said...

tears of joy are flowing in NJ as well.. so amazing.. i wasnt financially able to donate, but i am so glad that so many others were. how wonderful. God IS good.. awesome awesome day..

Anonymous said...

The video was Amazing! And to see the smile on his sweet little face when you called his name was Awesome!
Congratulations Seth!!!

Taking Heart said...

Yay! Seth hears! I am so happy for you and your family that God's will has come full circle for you now! God bless!

Melissa G said...

Oh my goodness! That was amazing!
Thanks for sharing that with us all!

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

How wonderufl! Praise God!!!

I'm so happy for you and Seth!

WendyCarole said...

What a wonderful day. Seth looks so happy

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Awesome! Thank you, God!!

Jen said...

How awesome! Congratulations to Seth!

Emily said...

That totally brought tears to my eyes! What a joyous moment in a joyous day!

Sonya said...

That does a mother's heart good. As soon as I saw him jump when you called his name I was flooded with tears!! I am so looking forward to updates along his journey

Shanda said...

That has to win the over all "Best Mother's Day Present!!" Wow girl; what an amazing gift! You can bet God is rejoicing over Seth's hearing right along with all of us!

So glad you were able to catch those first moments on video!

by: Allison said...

WOW!! What an answered prayer. Now that I have tears running down my face, I can start my day. God is SO GOOD!! Can't wait to hear more about his upcoming days.

Lindsey said...

I should not have watched this at work! ha ha! Hopefully, my boss doesn't walk in anytime soon as I have tears running down my cheeks! PRAISE GOD for Seth's hearing!!

Cristi said...

WOW That made me cry. Congratulations. Enjoy telling your baby you love him and watching him hear it.

Anonymous said...

Josh, Sully & I all watched Seth's video and we are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thrilled for you all!! What an amazing day. I loved his reaction!!

Let's figure out where the middle point is. I want to meet you and Seth! Since moving to South Carolina isn't an option. :)

Now, is there anyway you can take some time for yourself here in the next couple of weeks to absorb everything that has happened??? You have done so much in prep for this day and it is finally here. I wish I lived close because I would take you to get a pedicure or a massage. Can you let me know the name of a place that does that close to you and I will pay for you to have some El time?? Please??

Julie said...

I'm crying! What a blessing.

Kameron said...

Darn work computer. I will have to check out the video when I get home. I am so happy for you guys. I was wondering if they had told you what reaction to expect, because I can imagine if you can't hear for 10 months and all of a sudden can, it would be a little frightening. I guess not for Seth!! That is amazing!

Carrie said...

Oh my, nothing beats the look on his sweet face! PURE joy and happiness! THat is awesome! WHere is your box of tissues...i'm teary-eyed over here :)

Amazing day!

Daveda said...

AWE...I am brought ot tears of joy as I imagine what a great victory this is for you! Looking forward to the many more that will come to you!

Eva said...

Awww. so sweet and beautiful. I am so happy for him and for you.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

What an absolutely perfect start to my day..answered prayer rocks!

yay Seth!!! what a sweet lil man. I'm so grateful to have "met" him.


Jennifer W. said...

How wonderful! The video is amazing...I love the look on his face when he hears your voice! God is SOOOO good!!

Aimee' said...

So amazing!!!

Windy said...

HAPPY HAPPY TEARS ELLYN!!!!! I am praising with you today!!!!!!

Making A Modern Family said...

I am so happy for Seth and your family! Just reading this post and looking at the pictures has me crying tears of joy. I am bracing myself before watching the video because I know I'll be bawling! Congratulations to you all!

E @ Scottsville said...

Yea, El. I like sat here and watched his little face in those first few seconds OVER and OVER. And yes, I cried with you.

Praise God! What a fabulous way for him to respond and I'm so glad you captured it for US to see.

Awesome! Truly AWESOME!

April Bryant said...

What an amazing day!! Tears of joy!! What a gift Seth has been given.


Mommy3 said...

Yay! I had tears in my eyes with this post! :)

Kim said...

As an AB CI user myself I have to say YEAH Seth!!! He is precious!! Just the most beautiful little guy! Congratulations!! You've given him the best technology and the most awesome gift in life - the gift of hearing!!!


Courtney said...

Amaizing! How excited you must all be. Can't wait to see as he explores the world of sound!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

I have goosebumps from reading and seeing this! What a wonderful thing to experience!
Praise God!

Jennifer Stone said...

Tears of joy! God is sooo GOOD!

Deep Thinker said...

I am so happy for you all! Congratulations!

Heather said...

How wonderful!!! SO HAPPY for Seth and your entire family. God is good!

Lois said...

Thank you so much for sharing that video with us!! I'm so happy for Seth and for your family. God is amazing!! It was so awesome to watch Seth on the video when you first said his name, his head snapped around in amazement. So wonderful!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, praise God, El!! I am so happy for all of you, especially sweet Seth.

So amazing, indeed.

Landry said...

WAY to go, SETH!!!

Laura said...

Oh - that is SO WONDERFUL El!

Susan said...

So exciting! Loved the video, had tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for you all! :)

Hall Family in MD said...

I meant to comment yesterday...This is just awesome!!

Semi-Organized Mom said...

I remember my moms activation day. That was an amazing day. She just called me earlier today from her cell phone. She's out of town on business. I love being able to simply talk to her over the phone without having to go throug the relay.

I love the photo's of Seth and watching him turn to you when you call his name. YAY!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Amazing amazing gift Seth was given! Congratulations to all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Seeing his little head turn and that smile...priceless!!!

Eve said...

Wow - that's incredible!!!

Isadora said...

wow that is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, having followed you on your journey, your pregnancy, your birth and your beautiful Baby boy, now we reach the most beautiful and rewarding part. Thank you so much for sharing that smile.

Bella x

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

That video is making me cry and I have goosebumps everywhere!! That is just proof that prayer works and in Gods time all things are possible!!!yeah for all of you!

dragonflyz in June said...

I am so happy for you all, most of all for Seth! I have just now stumbled onto your blog and am beyond happy to find that he has already had his implants! I almost lost my hearing as a young child (due to recurring ear infections)and I am so happy that Seth is having early intervention as well!! Your video brought a smile to my face and my heart, I look forward to following your blog and watching Seth's development. God Bless!

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