Ava's favorite new word is "Sweet!"
Actually, it's more like "Suh-WEET!"
She says it roughly 168 times a day. So now Jace says it, too. Everything is sweet. Running into a curb? Sweet. A random blade of grass? Sweet. Who taught her this usage? I need to know. No, seriously.
My silly, sweet, sassy skateboarder, who seems so much older than 5. Today I found her mopping the floor, totally on her own. She said she likes making things easier for me, since I'm having a baby.
She keeps me smiling and my sides in stitches every single day.
Today was Field Day at her school and she spent the day running relays, jumping in potato sacks, and playing tug of war. She's not afraid to get dirty and have a good time, although she's also dramatic as all get out. She's the first one to raise her hand and offer to pray, and during her soccer season, the award she most often received was "Most Christlike." I told her that was much more important then scoring goals.
She's the one I find holding a huge bug right in the palm of her hand so that everyone can check it out up close and personal. I'm the one you'll see screaming "Ava! Put that bug down right NOW!" I'm easygoing like that.
Of course, she also loves getting her nails painted and having tea parties on the living room floor. She's the perfect mix of girly girl and tomboy. She's fun and hilarious...dramatic and challenging. Today, she stopped in the middle of a race to pick up someone else's shoe and return it to them. She was more concerned with helping them than with winning. She's a good sportsman.
But most of all, she's totally sweet suh-WEET!