Tuesday, March 23, 2010

These Friends of Mine

Yeah, so some of the facebook conversations we get into crack me up. And yep, I know I'm a dork.

Ellyn Meinzer McCall I just noticed my hand sparkling in the sunlight and thought 'holy crap, I'm a vampire!' But it was just sparkly lotion. Got excited.

5 hours ago via Twitter  ·  · 
Jeremy Spradlin
Jeremy Spradlin 
5 hours ago · 
Shelly Dolan-Ash
Shelly Dolan-Ash 
@Jeremy - yes they do too sparkle!

@El - tell him.
5 hours ago · 
Liz Wagner Villavicencio
5 hours ago · 
Michelle Castle
Michelle Castle 
This rocks my face! :)
5 hours ago · 
Jeremy Spradlin
Jeremy Spradlin 
haha. and no they don't. teeny bopper lover story fairy vampires may sparkle. But those aren't real vampires.
5 hours ago · 
Ellyn Meinzer McCall
Ellyn Meinzer McCall 
Those are the only vampires I care about, JEREMY. Gosh.
4 hours ago via Email Reply · 
Melissa Bratten
Melissa Bratten 
Exactly! lol
4 hours ago · 
Shelly Dolan-Ash
Shelly Dolan-Ash 
Those are the only vampires I believe exist!
3 hours ago · 
Kara Kadinger
Kara Kadinger 
This is my favorite post ever! Love it!
2 hours ago · 
Jeremy Spradlin
Jeremy Spradlin 
If emo vampires really exist. Then this world is a much more scarier world then I thought.
2 hours ago · 
Melissa Bratten
Melissa Bratten 
If Edward Cullen really existed i would be happy! lol
2 hours ago · 
Keith Holman
Keith Holman 
There aren't any real vampires, Jeremy. So we can believe whatever we want! And the hot vampires do sparkle!
about an hour ago · 
Jeremy Spradlin
Jeremy Spradlin 
Selene doesn't sparkle!
about an hour ago · 
Keith Holman
Keith Holman 
and you lost this argument when you made the "Underworld" reference. Selene doesn't "sparkle" because the character is a dud.
about an hour ago · 
Ellyn Meinzer McCall
Ellyn Meinzer McCall 
Shhh let's all just think about the pretty vampires and feel happy.
about an hour ago · 
Jeremy Spradlin
Jeremy Spradlin 
I never said I wanted her for her charming personality.
about an hour ago · 
Gena Bishop
Gena Bishop 
ha,ha! was thinking about re-reading those books!
34 minutes ago · 
Melissa Bratten
Melissa Bratten 
exactly ellyn, we can still dream cant we? lol :)
27 minutes ago · 
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