So far, they're not listening.
They should be tired...they spent all day playing and swimming with some of our nearest and dearest. We spent the day with my friends Tina and Shelley. Our kids have literally known each other since near-birth, when we created our own little playgroup that day on the beach at Frenchie's when our kids were just a couple of months old. As Shelley said today, we've come a long way since we were at a 1:1 mom:baby ratio!
I think Ava and her friend Petey look like long lost relatives. Their hair, eyes, and skin tone are identical and I love that he is the only boy I know who is exactly Ava's age who she's not taller than!
We are now completely out numbered by children, and getting them all together is always a very entertaining lesson in chaos. Today the kids spent all day trading Pokemon cards (which Ava had never seen before, but now says she has to have, naturally), playing some intricate pretend game that had a headquarters in the shower, swimming, eating an insane amount of food, and otherwise ransacking Tina's lovely home.
He was kind of the cutest kid ever, though. He was pretty insistent on wanting to go in the pool with the other kids, and so I told him "Honey, you can't go into the water with your ears on; they'll get wet." He looked at me, raised his eyebrows, then had his CI's off and in my hands within seconds.
Yeah, I think he's better at understanding those complex sentences than I usually give him credit for.

Ava and Petey again...they resemble each other to a ridiculous degree, I think! We must have some long lost Italian in our genes somewhere!
After several hours of playing with their friends, we loaded up and headed home. The kids were a little tired out, to say the least.
Basically, it had all the things I love about summer...lazing around, swimming, eating, and reading!
Tired kids are definitely a bonus, too.
What are you favorite summer activites?