Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One of those weeks

Sorry for the disappearing act. Kara's shower went great although I ate way too much fondue at the Melting Pot. What can I say? I didn't want it to go to waste. It was great to see everyone and catch up! Although I will say it was super challenging to get good pictures in the place as the lighting was incredibly dim. I did my best, though, and hopefully some turned out well.

I say hopefully, because I haven't even had a chance to look at the pictures yet. (Sorry, Mom Wing!) I was exhausted after driving to Indy and back Saturday (note to self: use cruise control and you probably won't get a cramp in your driving leg), and Sunday is chock full here with church and all the youth group kids coming over Sunday afternoons. Then on Monday, Seth got sick.

And this has been the saddest flu type sickness I have seen. He hasn't been able to keep anything down at all, and I mean at all. Nothing. Since Monday evening. I thought he was better yesterday morning and we attempted a sip of liquids and a saltine and he threw up within ten minutes. Last night, a sip of sprite had him vomiting immediately. He's been miserable, just laying around in various places in the house for hours at a time. Last night he tried to throw a tantrum but got too tired and fell asleep on the floor instead. He's cranky and beat and I don't blame him one bit.

It's been challenging trying to keep him away from the other kids and still get everyone taken care of. We had just finally gotten into a routine with homeschool and I don't want to lose it the rhythm, so we've been pushing through that along with Seth being sick, and then I still have all my coursework at night. My semester ends in less than a month and then I have two weeks off before summer session, so I'm in the home stretch.

All of this to say that things have been beyond crazy here. If you could say some prayers for Seth that he gets better today and nothing spreads to his lungs that would be great! Oh, and some prayers that the other kids remain healthy would be greatly appreciated. He's still crying tears and reasonably hydrated, so right now I'm just waiting this out. I'm hoping he turns the corner today. Because I'll tell you, sleeping in a bed with a kid who is throwing up every hour is not conducive to great sleep! I'll happily put up with not sleeping for as long as I need to, though, if it makes him more comfortable. I just feel terrible for him.

And that was our weekend and start to our week. On the upside, Ava wants me to let you all know that she has gotten 100% on her last three spelling tests. And we're still alive, and it hasn't snowed lately! Silver lining.
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