I love this picture. A whole lot of blessings in this picture!
We had a very productive weekend around here...the kids and I had Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle's place and we got to spend time with my cousins who are off at college now.

After the kids stomped around in the woods with Logan and her boyfriend for a good chunk of the afternoon we headed to the airport to pick up John. It was a pretty exciting moment! On Friday we did Thanksgiving all over again, and later on we had a game night with my cousins when we learned after extensive testing that John is most definitely the weak link when playing Taboo. "Where do you put your dog at night?" Jordan asked, trying to get John to say the word "Crate." "A cage?" He said. "No...like that, though." Jordan responded. "Uh, Storage?!" John shouted.
No, not storage. Not so much. It was hugely entertaining, though.
And now he's back in Florida, which is not so fun, but we did have a really productive weekend. We got the Christmas Tree up as a family, John steam cleaned the carpet while Ava and I did school, we managed to go on two dates sans kids, John and Seth fixed the garbage disposal, and John and I even attended our very first counseling session.

It's a process, but I think we're going about this the right way and it feels good. Step by step, or something. We were both really happy with how our session went, although it went really fast. The kids absolutely loved having John around for five days and he was able to spend some really nice quality time with Jace, which I think they both really needed. Coen started teething recently, so it was awesome to have extra hands to help out when he was more fussy than usual.
So things are good. Viv's birthday is tomorrow and I'm really excited about having a special day with her. I can't believe she's going to be a two year old!
Things are good. We're getting there. Slowly but surely.