Sunday, January 15, 2012

Coen is six months old!

Coen is six months old! He's actually closer to six and a half months now, but he was still recovering from his bout with RSV/Pneumonia/Bronchiolitis, so I didn't want to bug him taking pictures. He's finally feeling good again and so I can put his official six month post up! 

This guy, along with his brothers and sisters, have been getting lots of extra hugs today. Tripp Roth's passing has really affected both John and I. I don't know his mom Courtney personally, but I am in awe of how what an amazing mother she has been to Tripp. My heart aches for what she is going through right now. It has been such a timely reminder for me to slow down and enjoy every second with my kids. I know what it's like to hold your baby and wish for them to take that breath that never comes, and, God willing, I never want to go through it again. But what I do want to do it make sure that I take advantage of every moment I have with these kids I am so privileged to raise.
DSC_0773  Coen is pretty great. He's developing an entertaining sense of humor and cracks up laughing when he sees something that he thinks is funny. He's starting to get more interested in toys and has found his feet, which he thinks are very cool. He's rolling both ways and creeping about a little bit, but not crawling or sitting on his own just yet. I'm not positive of his weight, but when he was in the hospital he weighed in at almost seventeen pounds. DSC_0754 One of Coen's favorite things to do is listen to John play the guitar. He's a little more attached than Evany was, more like Seth at his age, and it's been a little challenging because Seth is still quite attached himself. So it has been really nice to have John around to help out. Coen has started to spend a few minutes in his jumper or hanging out on a blanket, but he never lasts long until he just wants to be held again. Thank goodness for baby carriers! And thank goodness for sweet, adorable baby boys to put in them

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