Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Passed with Flying Colors!

Our charming audiologist told us that since Seth's deafness could theoretically be hereditary, we should get the big kids tested. So today we loaded up in the van with all the kids and their necessary items (superhero capes, check!).

When we got to the office, the receptionists oohed and ahhed over Seth as usual and Ava and Jace headed back to the sound booth and emerged only a few minutes later with the official diagnosis of....perfect hearing!


It's such a weight off my mind, even though we knew they could hear, I wasn't sure if there could be some mild hearing loss there. Now we know, when they don't listen it's because of selective hearing, not loss. =)

Now I have to go run around shoving stuff in closets so that the house looks spic and span for the youth group tonight. I am really looking forward to hanging out and getting into the Word with them!


Sarah B. SMITH said...

Hi my name is Sarah. I wasn't sure or not to write to you. I saw your post on Angie's site. My heart broke for you and your family. I also lost a baby 7 years ago due to miscarriage. I wanted to write to you because my younger son was born on March 28, 2007. He is now 18 mths. I enjoyed looking at your blog and your beautiful family. I just felt we had a connection with the same day in a way. I will continue to pray for you and your family and know that your little angel is watching you from Heaven. I hope this was okay to write you. God BLess!!!!

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