Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bouncing Baby Boy!

UPDATE:  The vast majority of you were right! You guys are so smart! Seth is beginning to sit on his own for milliseconds at a time! I have very good timing with the camera.=)  What you didn't see is him rolling backwards immediately after this picture was taken. Oops! Hopefully he'll repeat this tomorrow morning in PT so he can get credit. 

Bible Study (Beth Moore's Esther!) took up my afternoon and Youth Group took up my evening, but an actual post is coming at some point soon. =)

A real post is in the works, but in the meantime, anyone notice anything new and exciting about this picture? Tell me tell me! 


Windy said...

Druel? Teeth?!?!? =)

Julie said...

He's sitting up all by himself!!! Go Seth!!!

4 Lettre Words said...

I'm guessing that he's sitting up.

That makes playtime so much more fun!

Mommy3 said...

He's sitting up! Yay Seth!

Anonymous said...

Look at that big kid!!!! Oh, I miss him. I miss all of you!

E @ Scottsville said...

He's sitting up all by himself. Yea Seth!! =0)

And hey, I'm not sure if you saw it, but I corrected my own grammar in my Not Me Monday post and apologized to you for it. (and linked to you in case it made no sense to my readers) ha ha ha


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

He is so cute - love those feet and those cheeks and those little fingers.

Kameron said...

I love when they learn to sit up. It seems to go so quickly from there as far as learning new tricks!!

Elyse said...

What a big boy :) Sitting up!

Stephanie said...

Yay! Seth is sitting up!

Shanda said...

Ok, it's probably because he is sitting up and being all cute and drooly...but seeing how that has already been guessed, and guessed again...I'll say the cool floor mat that he is sitting on!!

Anonymous said...

He is sitting up! Yeah Seth!!! That is sooo! exciting.

Susan said...

way to go, little guy! Won't be long now, and you'll be on the move! (yikes!) :)

Making A Modern Family said...

Awwww, good job Seth!

Rose said...

Sitting up? Good job baby boy!

Jason and Vanessa said...

I think the new something is the rug???

Taking Heart said...

He is a doll!

I just bought the book Esther... I hope it's good, my small group is studying Matthew right now, so I think I'm going to do the Beth Moore study on my own. Have a nice weekend!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

My bible study group is doing the Esther study too! Isn't it great? Glad to see little Seth doing so well!

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