Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gotta Bounce

These pictures are from the night before Seth's surgery...this is the first toy that Seth will allow me to put him down in! I love it simply for that reason.


Anonymous said...

Such a happy sweet face! I just love him! And those curled up toes...too cute!

Misty D. said...

Such a beautiful baby boy!

Laura said...

We have a Jumperoo and an exersaucer - similar idea and I love them for being able to take a shower! ;)

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

What a cute lil Charmer!!!!

E @ Scottsville said...

Awwww, at least he picked something bright and colorful - great for pictures!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Love the colors in those pics...He is such a little sweet peanut! Adorable shots. Hope he feeling better each day!

Eve said...

What a cutie! He looks very deep in thought in those photos!

melifaif said...

I adore his wild little toes!

Stacey said...

I love these pictures. So glad he is feeling better!
God Bless YOU,

Sonya said...

he is so cute!!

amanda said...

you took super great pictures. he's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

He's too cute and look at how content he is!!!!


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