Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Real Baby

Ahh, Validation. 

It feels so good. 

Now, because we have requested and received his birth certificate, his birth is a matter of public record, which it was not until now. If someone researches our family tree in 50 years and looks up our kids, Eli will be there, recorded right along with the other kids. Just like them. Because he is just like them. Loved like them, cherished like them, wanted like them. 

He'll be there, for anyone who wants to look. Our third child and second son, born on a Wednesday at 5:35 pm. March 28th, 2007. He weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. He had black, curly hair, and long fingers and big feet. He was a baby. He was our baby. He was and is and will always be part of our family, and I can't tell you how great it feels to know that I have proof of his existence. As time goes by, sometimes I think I will forget what it felt like to touch his silky hair, to hold him in my arms. Before, I felt like my memories of him were the only proof of his existence, and if I couldn't remember what he was like then it would be like he was never here. 

But he was here. He was a real baby, and he counted. 


amanda said...

yep he counted. i think it is truly important for everyone to remember. thanks for sharing him with us!

Anonymous said...

I don't quite remember how I found ur website a few months ago.. but Eli's story made me cry for days.. I often think of ur quote about how u have a missing step.. I swear simple old steps make me realize how blessed I am to have my three babies.. because of Eli I have grown so close to God.. I mean I wasn't even sure if I believed in Him fully a few months ago.. and now He is my best friend. He gave my children health.. and Eli made me realize that. A boy I never met has changed my life forever.. ur boy!

Maddie's Mommy said...

My daughter weighed 6lbs. 6oz. also.. (actually she weightd 6.66--yeah kind of weird I have a picture to prove it)... anyway!!!.. My family suffered a loss much like your Eli. My baby cousin was stillborn about 2 weeks before her due date. It was hard for my family and it brought us so much closer to Christ.

Sassy said...

Of course he counted. From the moment he was conceived... he counted. He counted to you. He counted to God. And now...he counts to all of us! He had a soul and a purpose from the moment he was conceived. Thank you so much for sharing Eli with us.

Amy B said...

Yes he counted. He is your son and that will never change. Yes he counts to you and us .
I hope sweet Seth is still doing better everyday. I am excited for all his changes.

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

So glad you finally have his birth certificate!!!!

Sweet Eli will never be forgotten!

Stacey said...

Yes, he counted. He was your baby and God's baby from the very beginning. And now lucky for him he is walking the streets with Jesus, oh how I can't wait!
Thank you for sharing your son with all of us, I know Eli has changed many people's lives.
Continuing to pray for Seth,

Mandy Hornbuckle said...

Heck yes. HECK YES!!

But just so you know, I didn't need the piece of paper to prove that.

But it's still nice to have it. I'm happy for you, sweet friend.

Joy said...

I'm so happy to see (and read) this! He certainly counted before, but I'm so happy to have it out there for everyone to count.

Kara said...

He DOES count - I'm so, so glad you finally got this! He certainly was a real baby, and IS a true blessing!

I can't wait to see you next month!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

Oh Ellyn, I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Eli was a beautiful baby and he still is - running through the green grass in heaven!

Taking Heart said...

What a beautiful tribute... your love for him is so evident in your writing.

Kameron said...

It must have felt so awesome to get that in the mail! Your memories of him will never go away!

Kristina said...

Praise God, Ellyn. I am so happy that you finally got Eli's birth certificate! Never forgotten...

Eva said...

Praying for you.

Susan said...

Beautiful post. Yes, he counted! And he won't be forgotten!

Anonymous said...

Indeed he did! Makes me sad you had to jump through such hoops to make "officials' realize that. Praying this brings you a bit of extra peace! And, as much as I did not know Eli, or any of you for that matter, your story does make such a difference. It gives hope. May you rest in that today!

E @ Scottsville said...

Oh Congratulations, El! I "get it", and I'm so glad you got it!

Sonya said...

Finally!! I am so glad that you were able to get that. Of course he counts and should be a part of history.

Laura said...

He sure does count! Wonderful to hear that his birth certificate is now in your hands. Much love to you E!

Shannon said...

What can I say? I have never experienced the kind of loss that you and your family have gone thru. I have, however, helped with births that similar. Your sweet Eli is not only precious to you, but precious to our Heavenly Father. Rest assured that whatever purpose there was/is for his short life, God is using it for good. Just reading the comments left here will tell you that. It's interesting to me that you have my favorite verse at the bottom of your blog, Jer. 29:11 We should all hold fast to that promise.

mrsrubly said...

yes Eli did exist. i am so happy that you have received the birth certificate. he is and always will be your family and your heart. what such a sweet baby he is. i pray that the memories will always stay fresh in your mind.

Erica said...

I'm glad you got your validation! I think it is wonderful that you remember him so and make sure he was known!

Emily said...

Beautiful post. I'm so glad you have his birth certificate...a very important document!

Julie said...

Yay!! So glad you were able to get it! Eli most certainly counted!

Madison Sanders said...

Yes, he did count. I'm so glad you were able to get his birth certificate.

I can't believe his middle name was Elias. That's my brother's first name, and almost NOBODY has it.

Mandy & Jeremy Hall said...

Finally, Validation! Our boys count, no matter what. Missing mine terribly...... Thought it got easier after the 1st bday.....forgot you have easter, monther's day and father's day to look forward to.... ugh... I don't want to be in the club anymore..

Lindsey said...

I'm so happy that you received his birth certificate! How wonderful!!

Leigh Ann said...

Of course he counted.
Sending all my hugs to you right now.
Your blog is beautiful.
ALL your children are beautiful.
Thanks for sharing them with us.

Misty D. said...

I found your sight through MckMama's just a few weeks ago and you and her have inspired me so much! Thank you for sharing about Eli.

Michele said...

You answered a question I always had in my head but was afraid to ask anyone. I wondered what kind of certificate a stillborn child received, whether it was a special kind of certificate or a birth certificate. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you've finally got this validation. It's so important, and you are right, HE WAS HERE and he will forever be counted.


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