Wednesday, September 30, 2009

24 weeks!


24 weeks! Viability! That's exciting news, folks. I'm finally feeling better after my ugly bout with a UTI last weekend, although I have to say I am starting to feel all the typical pregnancy complaints...heartburn, nausea if I eat too much, bone numbing exhaustion, and not breathing because I have the feeling that my organs are getting shoved into my lungs. You know, the norm.

Pros, though....I have made it five weeks beyond the point at which I was on bedrest with Eli. Score! All my regular clothes still fit. Double Score! Also a pro? She finally let us get some semblance of a picture of her!

Here you go...introducing Baby McCall #5, our second little girl.


This is a profile shot. She's looking up, with her arm and hand held just above her face.


In this picture, she's looking straight on. On the far left you have her knees and calves, then in the middle both of her arms with her hands at her chin, then you see her face straight on.

I think she's pretty cute! She's moving a lot, mostly in the evenings. When I was pregnant with Ava, just a little big further along than I am this time, John would tap on my stomach and she would kick back. He was convinced she could count before she was born. I guess we'll have to test this baby out soon. Maybe she'll do some quadratic equations while she's in there!

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